Finding an appropriate school for your child’s preschool education can be hectic and more often than not does not bear the results you desire. “Do I admit my child to a school close to my home?”, “Do I admit my child to the school that is historically known to be famous?’, “What if my child does not like the school he/she has been admitted into?”

Such dilemmas are faced by the parents of school-going children on a consistent basis, particularly when admitting their child for pre-school education. After all, pre-school education is the foundation for every child’s future academic success. 

How the Canadian Maple International School’s Preschool Education Program Works

With the Canadian Maple International School, rest assured that all of your child’s preschool education needs will be fulfilled. With extra-curricular and interactive activities such as sensory activation, handprint painting, history of Islam, we ensure that early childhood education for your child is a memorable one. 

Our preschool education not only focuses on engaging activities, as we teach our students the virtues of good manner and the importance of faith. Through plays and dramas focused on human interactions and how crucial it is to have healthy interactions, and as a result our preschool benefits have a positive impact on your child’s development. 

Moreover, our preschool education’s curriculum is created specially by our school’s highest management as we are under the belief that our preschool students will spend the entirely of their school journey until their senior academic years with us, and therefore we want to guarantee to the best of our abilities that their experience with us begins in a positive note.

A Holistic Approach To Teaching

We also understand that during preschool education it is of utmost importance to foster emotional growth among our students. Which is why our preschool teachers are not just present to teach academia and social values to our students, they are also present to attend to each and every student to help them manage their emotions, express themselves effectively and develop self-awareness; steps that will further enhance your child’s development while enrolled in the Canadian Maple International School’s preschool education program. 

While possessing and conveying emotions are one end of the mental spectrum there is another part of the mental spectrum which needs an equal amount of care: Cognitive skills. We realize that for any child especially during the preschool years, learning so many things can be overwhelming. To that end, we encourage our students to not push themselves too hard and to take one step at a time. The fact that we utilize interaction activities and education games to foster their cognitive skills are a testament to our long-held belief that your child’s early formative years should be one of laughter and enjoyment. We also want our preschool students to enjoy the time they spend on our campus. Which is why at the Canadian Maple International School, we want the love for learning to start early. 

Why You Should Admit Your Child In Our Preschool Education Program

If you admit your child into Canadian Maple International School’s preschool education program, you will also be investing in their life, both in the short-term and long-term. A strong reason for this is that our curriculum does not solely rely on modern academia for your child’s development. One of the biggest preschool benefits is also fostering an environment for our preschool students where they realize, understand and appreciate the role that faith plays in their everyday lives. 

We do not focus on faith-based learning, just for the sake of believing in a faith. We do so because faith is an influential teacher when it comes to learning respect, kindness, and most importantly, a sense of community. As we foster a positive and inclusive environment, we want to help the preschool students understand how the inclusion of faith in their daily actions will only reap benefits, both inside and outside the school. The significance of faith in our curriculum can be further observed in our celebratory school events. Every year, we celebrate the arrival of Eid(s) and Ramadan in our school by organizing events centering around the themes of these occasions. One of our recurring and most successful events is The Hajj Week. During the Hajj Week, our students, including the students in the preschool education program are encouraged to dress-up like Hajj pilgrims and take part in inclusive activities that center around faith. Students are also tasked with making projects of their choosing, which elaborate on the significance of Hajj. 

Also, equipping your child for school-readiness is another factor we consider when giving them lessons during their pre-school education. We empathize with the fact that gaining promotion from preschool to kindergarten is a huge step in your child’s life, even when they themselves are not self-aware of this notion. The last thing that we would desire is for a promoted preschool student to feel uncomfortable and socially awkward once they enter our kindergarten program. Therefore, we enable them to face any challenges they might face as they move on from their preschool education, to their kindergarten education. 

Appreciating nature and to spend time is another knowledge we bestow upon our students in the preschool education program. Nature is a natural healer. Fresh oxygen and regular sunlight has been scientifically proven to help our mind, body and spirit. And what better way to accept this help than from a young age? Which is why we also put this knowledge into practical use for our preschool education students as our in-campus state-of-the-art playground has been constructed to allow our preschool children to take advantage of the good things that nature has to offer. 


Put Your Child’s Future In The Hands Of The Canadian Maple International School

As you have read so far, the preschool benefits that the Canadian Maple International School can give for your child’s development are numerous. And why should they not be? Preschool education is one of the most vital times of your child’s life, if not the most important. The quality of their future dreams and aspirations solely rely on the influence they pick up during formative years, and most of their formative years are spent in school. 

At the Canadian Maple International School’s preschool education program, your child will be in safe hands. Our commitment to deliver a world-class pre-school experience that focuses on curiosity, creativity and faith, knows no bounds! By anchoring on these factors along with healthy social interactions and well-rounded holistic teachings we empower our students for a future that will lead them to positive and endless possibilities. 

If you are in search of a preschool education program for your  child that centers on academic excellence, emotional understanding and faith-based learning, contact us today and we will have all the admission details for your child sorted. Admitting your child in the Canadian Maple International School is not just any ordinary expense, it is an investment for their sake, which is sure to open a world full of opportunities for them.

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